Positive Productivity With Kim Sutton

PP 662: Being Left Better with JP McAvoy



“A good contract is going to simply set the expectations. It sets out the respective rights and obligations.” - JP McAvoy How do you define success? And how does your work leave others in a better place than when you met them? These are just a few of the topics JP McAvoy and Kim Sutton discuss in this episode of the Positive Productivity podcast. JP McAvoy is a founding partner of Conduct Law, as well as the host of The Millionaire’s Lawyer podcast and the author of The Millionaire’s Lawyer: Build, Grow and Sell Your Business. Highlights 03:01 Accountability partners 05:15 Evolving as an entrepreneur 07:45 Writing The Millionaire’s Lawyer 12:46 Branding vs. value vs. content 13:28 Paralysis by analysis 14:25 The scatterbrained approach 17:43 Scope creep 18:48 Partnership agreements 24:40 How JP chose his specialization 33:18 Markers of Success 36:57 Manifesting feelings rather than material objects 37:56 Feelings 39:17 People are people 41:36 Personal life vs. business life 54:07 Seeking out advice Check out