Pod Kembla

Episode 27. "You're white, I thought it was accepted."



It's another triumphant return by Numsi and Pork Chop, and we're celebrating Pork Chop aka Hollywood's' birthday. Pork Chop and his band, the Lamb Cutlets have just released an EP titled 'Make it So' and will be celebrating its release today (Sunday 22nd September) at The Den, which is located upstairs at City Diggers in Wollongong. I wrote a knob slobbing piece about his EP a little while back (read it here) and it is certainly worth a listen. We also talk about tattoos, like the wankers we are. ALSO on 26th of September at the Hard Rock Cafe Dlinkwnt will be competing in the State Final of the National Uni Band Comp.. If you're in the neighborhood, go along and have a gander.. And cheer them on! "this podcast is a jazz song, bayvay"