Pod Kembla

Episode 79. Illawarra Record Fair II.



Last weekend myself, S'Hershel and Sean Sheap returned to the Illawarra Record Fair at the Bulli Workers Club. This time we actually recorded from inside the room where the records were being sold! That PM Dawn cover song springs to mind.. Also making a return to the podcast is event organiser, Lord Lucifer of the Devils Jukebox on Northside Radio 99.3 for those in and around the Sydney area. It was another terrific time, and as you can imagine we all bought a bunch of shit and talked about it while I derailed the conversations with my weird musings on Jay Z and Beyonce's love life, Serena Williams and just in general. Still, fun times had by all so keep an eye out for the next one in November if that's your thing by following The Crate Diggers Collective on Facebook.