Risen Motherhood

Hospitality in the Little Years | Ep. 55



Letting others into the imperfect mess of daily life is challenging in the easiest seasons, and holds particular stresses with little ones around. But should obstacles like disorganized toy rooms, meal planning, noise, and messes be a major deterrent to welcoming others in the name of Christ? In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the biblical call to hospitality, and consider its importance, even in the season of young children. Because God welcomed us into his family when we were strangers at great personal cost to himself, we can extend that same welcome to others, even when it's not convenient. Articles & Other Resources: RM Ep. 43 || Serving Others Right Where You're At Why Hospitality Beats Entertaining - Jen Wilkin  How to Practice Biblical Hospitality - Pat Ennis  Gospel-Motivated Hospitality - (video) round table discussion w/Gloria Furman, Kathleen Neilson, Rosaria Butterfield Open Roof Hospitality - Melissa Krueger  You Can Be Hospitable, Even with Little - Trillia Newbell  Host Without Grum