Draft Mechanic

#49: Yamatai v Five Tribes; Five Tribes on tap; The Lost Expedition; TIME Stories: Lumen Fidei



Draft Mechanic Episode 49: Yamatai v Five Tribes; Five Tribes on tap; The Lost Expedition; TIME Stories: Lumen Fidei To be honest, we planned on doing Yamatai as a six-pack review, but the more we played it the more we realized it would be a perfect candidate for our “Variants” series, where we pit a game up against another that shares enough similarities to warrant the comparison. What’s our comparison point for Yamatai? Well, look no further than designer Bruno Cathala’s prior design for Days of Wonder, Five Tribes! Both fit that highly produced, mid-weight 2-4 player niche, but what are the benefits of each? Find out in today’s feature segment! Also, we’re putting Five Tribes on tap with beer pairings for each of the tribes. We’re also going to discuss recent plays of The Lost Expedition, Parade, and the latest TIME Stories scenario, Lumen Fidei. Don’t worry - there’s no spoilers here! In our beer segment this episode, we’ll take a look at some America-themed beers for the Independence Day holiday. So sit