Stories Connecting Dots With Markus Andrezak

Ep. 14 - Christopher Avery: The Responsibility Process



Episode 14: Christopher Avery - The Responsibility Process   This episode is quiet. Quiet and deep. I am happy that Christopher Avery took the time and explained the Responsibility Process to us. I will let Christopher explain it in the podcast - the topic is complex, deep and sensitive. He's much better in this than I am. I think it is important to try to wrap your head around this model which might change your understanding of responsibility from a model of blame and shame to a model of freedom to choose and to be conscious. Some quotes from the podcast "We've been taught that to be a responsible person, you have to give up your impractical ambitions and do something more practical" "How are you?" is an awkward question for Europeans, we tend to answer. Here is Christopher's reply to the question: "How are you?" "I am free, powerful and at choice, thank you!" "Conscious choices on repetitive behaviour do have effect. Central ingredients to the Responsibility Process "Intention, Awareness and Confront!" Whi