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Ep 09 The Truth About Successful Couples



The Truth About Successful Couples "Success in marriage is more than finding the right person: it is being the right person." Help spread the word by subscribing in iTunes While you are there please leave a rating and review.  It helps others find the podcast and you contribute to spreading the love :) Episode 09  was inspired by our wedding anniversary.  I consider my husband and I a successful couple. We have a triumphed through difficulties and navigated the strange water of a mixed family. I found some old notes I had taken in Evernote about relationships then this blog post  by Victor Parachin  which was I read in part in the podcast. Ten Tips: 1. Successful couples enjoy one another 2. Successful couples fight skillfully 3. Successful couples seek and offer forgiveness 4. Successful couples are committed 5. Successful couples are positive about each other 6. Successful couples learn and grow together 7. Successful couples never stop dating 8. Successful couples bring each other joy 9. Successful couples