Look Good. Feel Good. Do Good.

There's Comfort In Not Knowing Ep. 17



"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight" Proverbs 3:5-6 Life is a journey full of highs and lows, we will not know what our true purpose in life is, until we fully commit to trusting the process. Try not to convince yourself of which path to choose, but rather let the path choose you. There may be times in your life, where you become your own worst enemy, becoming filled with doubt and regret. Those are the times in which you must remind yourself that the destination is worth more than the momentary suffering you may be enduring. You will become stronger, the path will become straighter, and the answer will become obvious. You are not alone on this journey, we all are facing it each and every day, so take comfort in knowing that everything will work out in the end!