Living Fully Show With Pierrette Raymond

Episode 021: Money Makeover - Transform Your Money Story & Your Life



Living fully means embracing life and living it to its fullest. What often stops us is the lack of money or financial strain we have in our lives. In this interview, Judith Cane, Canada's Money Coach, provides an inside look at living fully with your money, after 27 years helping families and individuals master their money and finances. She provides tips and strategies to begin eliminating what doesn't fit in your current life so you can have more money for what truly matters. This interview will inspire you to embrace your money story and move forward with a vision you want for a rich and fulfilling life. ABOUT JUDITH CANE Judith is Canada’s Money Coach and has worked in the financial services industry for 27 years. She has worked with hundreds of clients to create a clear picture of their financial situation, build a realistic spending and savings plan, implement a “Get Out of Debt and Stay There” strategy and finally help them to achieve their financial goals. Judith is a high-energy straight talker,