Podcast Envy: Podcasting Mindset, Voice, Impact Beyond Starting, Launching, Monetizing

038: Am I ready (or is my organization ready) to start a podcast?



Whether you are building a business, a brand, and organization or a personal following, podcasting is a super popular trend amongst companies, nonprofits, and, well, people in general. It sounds so cool and on trend to say you have your own podcast, to imagine your voice being heard by thousands of people around the WORLD, and to know that you have a golden opportunity to influence those listeners through one of the most powerfully intimate forms of media that exists today. There’s definitely a wave to ride and you’re right on the edge, waiting to catch it! But how do you know whether you are ready? It seems easy enough -- you just record your voice and somehow publish it to the internet and voila! Right? I mean I KNOW you don’t think it’s quite that simple -- or you wouldn’t be here, listening to this right now. So I have created a checklist of 6 questions to ask yourself (or your organization) before you dive into your podcasting adventure. Listen in to hear more and pop over to http://bit.ly/podenvy038 to