Secret Stacks

45: The Comics Festivus For The Midwest of Us



Welcome to Episode 45 of The Secret Stacks, your podcast about name brand footwear and knockoff drinkware. April Fool’s on Thomas and Kristin – opposite temperature extremes! It’s okay, though – Kristin can escape to the comfy halls and adjoining hotel of C2E2 while Thomas takes a nap on his back, the common cure for plantar fasciitis #GraphicMedicine. Movements regarding spoilers, a new Puerto Rico comics anthology, and 30 Days of Autistic Art are all discussed, plus fresh picks as always.     Kristin and Derek from Comics Alternative interview Suzy Hopkins and Hallie Bateman C2E2 Ada Palmer website Ricansctruction: Reminiscing & Rebuilding Puerto Rico #ThanosDemandsYourSilence If The Story Matters, Then Spoilers Matter Cross-Universe Comics Crossovers Paper Girls Something Terrible Why Hal Jordan Should Not Be In The Next Green Lantern Movie 30 Days of Autistic Art     Kristin’s Picks What To Do When I’m Gone 9781632869685 Chainmail Bikini 9781513600123   Thomas’s Picks Batman / Teenage Mutant