Spinning Logic

EP136: Stephanie Osborn



Stephanie Osborn is a 20-year veteran in the civilian space program. She has worked on numerous Space Shuttle flights and the International Space Station. She holds degrees in Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Now, in retirement, she has become a best selling author of over 20 books including some science fiction epics like Burnout: The Mystery of Space Shuttle STS-281, and the critically acclaimed Displaced Detective Series. Today in her second appearance on the show, we discuss the newest book in her Division One series, A Very UnConventional Christmas. Guest: Connect with Stephanie Osborn by visiting her website stephanie-osborn.com, her Facebook page, @WriterSteph on Twitter and her books on Amazon. Show Notes: • Sarah Hoyt • Chromosphere • Zip Drive • Agent • Voyage of the Space Bubble • Dark Matter