Don't Salt My Game | With Laura Thomas, Phd

EP 94 - Trauma, Food + Body Image w/ Kimberley Wilson



Maybe grab a cuppa for this super interesting episode as it's kind of a biggie! Laura is joined by Kimberley Wilson, Chartered Psychologist + previous Bake Off bad ass to discuss trauma, resilience + practical tips for helping yourself + others who are having a hard time w/ their mental health.  In this episode they cover: ✨ What we mean when we talk about trauma ✨ Emotional resilience + protective factors to increase resilience ✨ How ED's are a means of coping with various psychological difficulties ✨ How restriction is associated with perfectionism + compliance with the external pressures of the thin ideal ✨ Focussing on the resilience tools that you have at hand Show Notes {SIGN UP TO OUR RAISING INTUITIVE EATERS ONLINE COURSE} {Kimberley on Twitter | Instagram} {Kimberley’s Website} {DSMG ep. w/ Kimberley - I Got Way Too Much On My Mental} {Open Culture website} {Dietland - Amazon Prime} {Book in for Discovery Call w/ Jess at the London Centre for Intuitive Eating} {PRE-ORDER MY BOOK!! on Amazon | Waterst