Tk With James Scott

Ep. 76: Julia Phillips & Jon Sealy



With the long road of a novel ahead of her, Julia Phillips mined her obsessions, and based her debut, DISAPPEARING EARTH, on her love of Russia's Kamchatka peninsula and her desire to portray the effects of violent acts on women. She and James talk about the cost of being horrified, the surprising realization that not everyone loves Soviet architecture, the book that unlocked her book, and the need to keep readers from chopping the vegetables. Then James talks to Jon Sealy about his new press, Haywire Books.  - Julia Phillips: Buy DISAPPEARING EARTH: Julia and James discuss:  JONESTOWN: THE LIFE AND DEATH OF PEOPLES TEMPLE  Kamchatka Peninsula  THE JOURNEY OF NATTY GANN  Fulbright Fellowship  Yaddo  Emerson College  PT Anderson  THE ANATOMY OF STORY by John Truby  GOOD TALK by Mira Jacob  ON THE ROAD by Jack Kerouac - Jon Sealy: Haywire Books: Jon and James discuss:   THE WH