Roger That!

Ep. 9.5: The Hurt Bae Pt. 2



SPOILER: This is part 2 of a two-part series. If you haven't already, go back and listen to Ep. 9 The Hurt Bae Pt. 1.   In this continuation I continue my conversation with former CPS worker Lenny Jennison of Victims' Voice and we explore more into what it means to be in a healthy relationship. I implore you to listen for the advice and resources Lenny gives. If you are not or have not been in an abusive relationship, share it with someone who is or someone you fear who may be. Lenny gives great indicators for recognizing the signs.   If you or someone you know is an abusive relationship please check out these resources: Also be sure to check out Lenny's podcast Victims' Voice available on iTunes and Player FM Twitter: @vic_voice_pod (with underscores) Fb: vicvoicepod (without underscores) Email: victimsvoicepod at   Don’t forget, if you like the show we LOVE fo