The Theresa And Eddie Show - Life And Business With The Woman On Top

People Come Into Your Life For a Reason, Season or Lifetime



Seema Deshpande came from humble beginnings. From a small town in India, she was determined to move to the US to get her Masters Degree in Electrical Engineering. While in the states, she fell in love and got married. Unbeknownst to her, this change in marital status also changed her immigration status and was told she had 10 days to work a miracle or get deported. Terrified, she went to her employer, and they helped her find an immigration lawyer, who would end up rewriting Seema's fate and making US her home. Decades later, their paths crossed again, this time, in an unexpected serendipitous way. Today, Seema is the the Director of Systems Technology Development for Texas Instruments. You can connect with her HERE.