

There are so many reasons to write short Kindle eBooks.  Personally, I have been writing this type of book for many years and people enjoy reading shorter books. We are all busy and we all have a lot to do.  Therefore, if I can find one book to read quickly, get my question answered, and move on, I’m a happy camper.   A short book is easy for your readers to consume.  A lot of readers will read books over their lunch break or when they have a few minutes.  Some short books can be finished within a one hour lunch break The best part about writing a short book?  It’s quicker to write! It’s a quick win and can help us build momentum for the next book The Book Length A question I am often asked is how long should the book be?  For short Kindle eBooks, I recommend a length of about 10,000 words.  It equals out to about 60-70 print pages.  This is the length of most of our short eBooks.  However, your book can be anywhere from 6,000-20,000 words.   Download Your Publishing Map If you want to write and publish a boo