

When you write a new book, one thing I want you to consider is how to set your book up for bulk orders. What are bulk orders? Typically these will come from groups, organizations, or companies that will want to order multiple copies of their books for book studies, gifts, to include in a subscription box, etc. Include a Reader’s Guide I recommend creating a reader’s guide with discussion questions that book clubs can use. Typically you will add the questions to the back of your book. This applies to both fiction and nonfiction. If you’ve written a Bible study or book study that can be used with church groups, this is another avenue where your books can be purchased in higher quantities. Personally, I have found that I sell a lot more copies of my print book, Broken Crayons Still Color, because women’s groups use it for their studies.  Whether you are writing a fiction novel or a nonfiction book, consider how you can make it easy for groups to use it. You will have the potential to make more book sales and imp