First Draft With Sarah Enni

Ep 48: Sarah McCarry



Drink 'em if you got 'em: Join me and Sarah McCarry (aka The Rejectionist), author of ALL OUR PRETTY SONGS, DIRTY WINGS, and the third book in the trilogy, ABOUT A GIRL, as we talk about mosh pits, the gift of anonymity, and waiting for the end of the world in a temperate rain forest. HEADS UP -- this interview has significant background noise, so I'm providing a transcript of our entire conversation (even more than appears in the audio episode)!   Sarah McCarry Show Notes HARRIET THE SPY by Louise Fitzhugh THE SECRET HISTORY by Donna Tartt TAM LIN by Pamela Dean Sara Goodman at St Martin’s THE INTERN (aka Hilary T Smith, listen to her First Draft interview here) Nathan Bransford’s blog Miss Snark Kelly Link Elizabeth Hand Francesca Lia Block WEETZIE BAT Launch Pad Astronomy Workshop Gift (movie)  Jane’s Addiction (band) GIRL WALKING BACKWARDS by Bett Williams TRIBES OF PALOS VERDES by Joy Nicholson Sarah Hannah Gomez, Sumayyah Daud (her First Draft interview), Kaye  Guillotine  Bojan Louis   Kim Gordon