Hall of Blue Illumination

Episode 45, “The Tsolyáni ‘You'”



Welcome to The Hall of Blue Illumination, the podcast dedicated to the world of M.A.R. Barker’s Tékumel.  In this episode, our hosts discuss “you.”  That’s “you” the pronoun, and not “you” the listener, although I’m certain you’re very interesting in your own right.  Tsolyáni has around twenty different words for the second person pronoun, and their proper use is determined by the relative social and cultural context of the speaker and addressee. This is followed by Victor’s report of Tékumel activities at the recently-held North Texas RPG Con, which leads into a broader discussion about the differences between Tékumel underworlds and traditional D&D dungeons. Show Notes: [00:00:40]  “It’s all about you.”  Today, we’re talking about Tsolyáni second-person pronouns, i.e., “you.” [00:01:33]  English does native English-speakers no favors here; modern English doesn’t even distinguish between the singular and plural “you.”  This also reflects our culture, and the lack of