Shaping Sapiens

Episode 16: Let Your Life Speak



Growing up the daughter of a Japanese American mother and a father of French-Canadian descent, Fran Tatu was raised with an immense capacity for compassion for others. Her parents were human rights activists, her father a U.S. diplomat, and between the ages of 6 months and 16 years, Fran lived in over nine different countries, mostly in Southeast Asia. What her parents taught her was to never judge another because of what they looked like or what they didn’t have, but rather to love them and meet them where they are. This foundation is what fuels Fran to travel across the country today and fight against injustice, especially on behalf of the families being separated at the border. Fran teaches that a little kindness goes a long way, and ultimately, when we are called to do what is right, we are never alone on the journey.