Failing Forward

Episode 33 - Rekha Chaudhary



When Dr. Rekha Chaudhary M.D. first started working with cancer patients, she didn’t believe food or stress reduction impacted cancer. She didn’t believe lifestyle changes made a difference. She was one of the physicians who said to her patients, eat the ice cream, it doesn’t matter and now she is embarrassed by that. After reading the research, she discovered that processed meat is as dangerous as cigarette smoking. In another research study, for those who ate a mediterranean diet, there was a 30% reduction in cardiovascular disease and a 62% reduction in breast cancer. And so her passion is getting this data out to physicians and to patients. She educates - if we reduce stress via meditation, exercise, spending time with friends and eat a plant based diet, there is a reduction in cancer. We asked, how do we fail forward around managing our stress and diet? She said this is a journey and don’t stress about changing them overnight. So lean into meditation and exercise and for the plant based diet, try