Failing Forward

Episode 86: Regina Sih-Meynier - Oh Universe + Intuitive Life Coaching



Pharmacist Regina Sih-Meynier had it all: a prestigious high-paying job, a nice home, a marriage, and the ability to travel and afford luxuries. She was fulfilling the model minority stereotype thrust upon Asian-Americans and Asian immigrants. But all her successes felt like Golden Handcuffs until she dared to break out of them. On episode 86, Regina shares how she left the corporate world behind to start Oh Universe, her intuitive life coaching company. That journey involved connecting with her inner authentic self and voice, and now she helps her clients do the same. Regina also discusses how to leave your ego narrative, or Egon, behind, how to find what brings you joy, and how the inner authentic voice relates to manifestation. Show Notes: - Check out Oh Universe and download Regina’s three-step framework here: