Short Stops

Short Stops - S2E01: Assessing Your Options in a Neglected Market



Hosted by Edmund Lee, President & CEO of the Caylum Trading Institute, Short Stops is your weekly stock market update featuring the top trading news, tips and stock picks in Metro Manila and around the world. "You never see yourself as a finished product." - Chad Pacheco -- In the premiere episode for Season 2, we finally come back together to dissect and analyze the current environment of the Philippine stock market - one that has become what feels like an endless waiting game. Edmund brings into the conversation fellow Caylum senior coaches, Leonard Chua and Chad Pacheco, who have managed to keep their respective trading teams at the firm afloat this year, all the while adapting to whatever the market tide rolls in. - The main question on our minds - is it different this time? What exactly is really happening to the PH market? Is there hope? - Discovering your edge and finding the difference between surviving and outperforming. - Aligning every trade that you make with the right objective. Is it to make