Short Stops

Short Stops - S2E04: The Global Impact of COVID-19



DISCLAIMER: This podcast recording was initially intended as a full video uploaded on our official YouTube channel. You may hear the speakers refer to slides or images during the stream. If you would like to view the original video, please click here to be redirected: Hosted by Edmund Lee, President & CEO of the Caylum Trading Institute, Short Stops is your weekly stock market update featuring the top trading news, tips and stock picks in Metro Manila and around the world. -- “You don’t want to be short-term trading based on valuations at these times.” -- This has been historical for everyone. New developments, new experiences, and extraordinary measures are being taken by countries every moment. COVID-19 is very real and this is not something can be ignored so Edmund will be joined by Jason and Zarr for a special podcast / video chat to emphasize how we must all adapt to the current situation. This is our take on what is happening today. - We know that there’s b