Crack The Twitter Code

Hit The Ground Running (Part 3)



FREE eBOOK ALSO AVAILABLE!! THE CONTENT Part 3 - GETTING STARTED ON TWITTER (A 5 Point Plan) Top 5 tips for marketing yourself using Twitter 1. Be a resource not a salesperson. Twitter is about sharing information and resources NOT selling ‘stuff’. This may sound counter-intuitive but it is the essence of Social Media marketing. 2. Write a strong bio that will inspire potential clients and joint venture partners to follow you. 3. Add a photo. There is significant evidence to prove that people who do this get more followers and retweets 4. Remember the 80/20 Rule – It’s not all about you. 4 out of 5 tweets should be of value to your followers and not sales related. Only 1 out of every 5 tweets should be a sales related message. 1 out of 10 however is a far better ratio if you can manage it. 5. SHARE - SHARE –SHARE (This is Twitter101). Share great articles and interact with your followers…this is the essence of how Twitter works.