Lozza's Girly Gabble

EP09- Does Sport Improve Your Mental Health?



I don’t hear people talking about boxing much anymore, which is a shame. Boxing has always been a great hobby of mine. To look at me, people wouldn’t expect it as I have no muscle whatsoever and am ‘too skinny’ as people say.. But from the age of 7 I have been in boxing clubs, competed in tournaments, and I have over 20 medals for boxing. 12 of them being gold. (Corrr brag much?) But I don’t mean to sound like a bighead, I just really got into the sport! Although I only do it for fun now, it is such a good thing to do as it is a major stress relief, and helps with concentration, mental fortitude, anxiety and reflexes. To be in the boxing ring you must have motivation and courage; and the adrenaline rush you get is just what you need.. LISTEN TO THE FULL EPISODE!