How To Draw Comics

Episode 58 - Learning Through Teaching (With Clayton Barton & ModernDayJames)



In this episode of the How to Draw Comics Podcast special guest artist ModernDayJames (James Murphy) joins us to share his experiences as both a practicing artist and versed instructor. James has lead an interesting path as an artist, exploring a variety of creative avenues and disciplines, to ultimately find what he was most passionate about - drawing. What started out as a personal endeavor to educate himself on the fundamentals of drawing, turned into a rapidly increasing library of learning resources that he produced and shared with other aspiring artists. Combining his analytical approach to learning and his past experiences as a lecturer, James has developed a highly tuned teaching style that gives his students a straight forward approach to learning the most important drawing principles such as form, shape, figure drawing and anatomy. This episode is packed with an absolute loot of wisdom and insight - I hope you get a lot of value out of it. If you'd like to learn more about ModernDayJames and h