The Regan Hillyer Show

Everything is Related to Intuition



When I was 23, I closed the doors of my first million dollar company. My loved ones, started asking if I was “insane?” Everything looked magical in the exterior. Everything was manufactured close to perfection. I planned, executed and crushed it. Internally, my soul was malnourished. Internally, my desire started feeling unwanted. Internally, my intuition felt unworthy of my attention. Until my INTUITION said, “I am enough.” I’m grateful for my intuition who knows it’s worth. I began to listen to the discomfort happening within. I was in shock of how long I had gone without listening. I was disconnected with myself. I was solely focused on the exterior. I still created a lot of success but I wasn’t connected with who I am. I was withholding myself from tapping into my highest vibration. I was creating from a space of manufacturing from head to exterior, Rather than tuning in, trusting my intuition and letting it flow through me. I started to listen again. I did my soul work. Abundance started flowing like rap