The Regan Hillyer Show

Together We Heal, Together We Rise



Welcome to this latest Podcast.  It’s a deep, powerful, searching inner inquiry about the ramifications currently, especially for people of colour, of what is, at these present times, happening in the world. This podcast is not about the usual topics that we explore around manifestation, abundance and living into your purpose...however, we feel that this is a necessary discussion to have right now. And, it is, we believe, an integral part of each and every one’s basic human being...basic human empathy and basic human concern for our fellow citizens on this planet. It’s about how we dig deep for the compassion to support others as well as ourselves.  We all need to go deep inside and reflect and connect with the inner light and the goodness in our souls. To connect with that full capacity that we have to respond from our inner mastery...that inner mastery that is diamond hard and formed through pressure. How can we move to that deep place of knowing that we are truly all one, not separated and not divided? How