Steven Hoefer's Reader's Room Podcast

Reader's Room: The Right Moment



Reader's Room ponders the best speculative fiction and and science for the week. This week we talk about those books that you found (or maybe they found you) at just the right time and place. Also Show links: Harry Harrison's Stainless Steel Rat ... and Make Room! Make Room! Curtis Chen's Waypoint Kangaroo ... and it's sequel Kangroo Two Some reading on the Bag of Holding trope Linkdump: Clarkesworld Magazine's My Dear, Like the Sky and Stars and Sun by Julia K. Patt (Audio version) (If you like Clarkesworld's stuff, Subscribe or join their Pateron. The motorcycle NASA wanted to send to the moon. Bad news for the Flatwork Space Program. Suggestions, comments, or subscribe to the newsletter at