
20. Answering Listeners' Questions



Andy brings Reconnect listener and Contradict Movement members’ questions to the show to answer them with George and Wes.  1:53 – Responding to the claim that the Gospel of Barnabus is the true Bible that prophesies that Muhammad will be the Messiah.  16:47 – Does Contradict Movement espouse the doctrines of  “Lordship Salvation”?  24:07 – Responding to a post made by Mena Lee Grebin of Faithful Walk Healing Ministry.  She advocates that we must work to maintain our relationship with Jesus.  A Contradict follower, Nick, thinks Mena’s post is inserting our works into our salvation by her post.  In particular Nick wants to know the meaning of the Parable of the Ten Virgins which Mena uses in her post, which we read in full and respond to in its entirety.  46:25 – If we are following Christ, why are we still cursed?  49:50 – Does God’s standards apply to our everyday life or just spiritual life?  51:25 – Feedback from Kurt Calloway on Reconnect Episode 15!