

Gudrun is an Icelandic single mom who's been living in Senegal with kids for some time now. If you've ever been interested in traveling in Western Africa, listen in! ::: Like what you’re hearing? Then please subscribe, rate & review Epic Education Radio. We would be extremely grateful! iTunes is a search engine as well, and so rating/reviewing Epic Education Radio the #1 way to help others find us. Thank you! ::: Living in Dakar, Senegal with Kids Guðrún leads a very interesting life. Based in the Senagalese capital of Dakar, she lives, works and raises three kids while finishing her PhD and working a variety of freelance jobs. Here she talks about how she the cost of living in Dakar, and how she manages work, education, parenting while living in Senegal with kids. Listen in if you want to hear about fun things to do in Dakar, and what it's like to live in Senegal. IN THIS EPISODE 03:41 Intro 06:00 Life in Senegal with kids 08:45 I bring up  a previous guest who traveled in Rwanda, and the photographer A