Epic Education Radio: Family Travel Podcast For Parents Who Like Nomadic Matt, Rick Steves, Tim Ferriss & John Lee Dumas

EER090: Unschooling, Worldschooling, and House Sitting in America and Mexico



Interested in house sitting in America, Mexico & beyond? Listen in as guest CJ Singer talks about house sitting in Mexico and the United States, unschooling, worldschooling, and connecting worldschoolers along the way.   ::: Like what you’re hearing? Then please subscribe, rate & review Epic Education Radio. We would be extremely grateful! iTunes is a search engine as well, and so rating/reviewing Epic Education Radio the #1 way to help others find us. Thank you! ::: House Sitting in America and Mexico CJ and his family have been house sitting in America since March of 2014. During that time, they've visited 43 states! Then they spent most of 2016 house sitting in Mexico, first on the Pacific coast in Melaque, and then onto the central Mexican town of San Miguel de Allende. They love life in San Miguel de Allende, and we talk about what an amazing town it is in the podcast. CJ knew that his family needed a change when they were still living in the United States. He traveled a lot, but it was for work.