

Money, accommodation, and online education while traveling. These are the three of the main challenges many traveling families face. In today's episode, we address two of them: AirBnB tips and online education while traveling.    Taking online classes while traveling is one way to approach education on the road. That's what Alrica Goldstein's kids to. Her insight and AirBnB tips here.   AirBnB Tips and Online Education While Traveling Education is important to Erich and Alrica Goldstein. However, they knew that travel should be a part of the kids' development as well.   So what did they do? They sold their stuff, changed their mailing address to Erich's parents' house, and set out into the world. That was over 16 months ago now. Since then, they've been to over a dozen countries.   Every traveling family approaches education in their own way. Some practice homeschooling. Others craft their own versions of unschooling or worldschooling. Some families put their kids in local schools like we di