Epic Education Radio: Family Travel Podcast For Parents Who Like Nomadic Matt, Rick Steves, Tim Ferriss & John Lee Dumas

EER130: Airbnb for Families — Tips for How to Use Airbnb with Kids



We've been using Airbnb with kids since 2013, and today I'll tell you some of my tips on how to use Airbnb for families. Airbnb for Families — How to Use Airbnb with Kids There's lots of information out there on how to use Airbnb, but most of it is for couples and single travelers or the Airbnb hosts themselves. In this week's episode, I want to talk about how to use Airbnb with kids. There's a lot of opportunities on Airbnb for families, but it helps to follow a few rules to get the most out of the service. ::: Like what you’re hearing? Then please subscribe, rate & review Epic Education Radio. We would be extremely grateful! iTunes is a search engine as well, and so when you rate and review us, you help others find us. Thank you! ::: I've written an extensive post on getting the most out of Airbnb, but how to use Airbnb with kids is still one of the most common questions I get from readers and listeners. That's why this week I decided to make an audio version of some of my main tips on how to use Airbn