Beyond Good Intentions With Kristen Duke

#042 Ayo Lopez // Parenting Around the World



Ayo has lived all over the world, and is now traveling the world full time with her young family.  Even her name is evident of that, a Japanese Hispanic fusion. When we spoke, she was in Peru, and had just visited Machu Picchu the day before, which I had the opportunity to travel to last year, so that was fun to reminisce!  She grew up partially in Tokyo, her husbands family is from Guatemala, and with their two young kids, they are based in the US during the summer for her husbands job, and this is their first year traveling throughout the "school year." There is an ever so slight delay in our convo after I ask questions. At the beginning, I wondered if she didn't want to answer a question, or was hesitating, then I realized..."OH! I'm pretty sure there is a slight delay." But really, it's a pretty fabulously clear international chat we had! A few parenting books she loves: Positive Parenting Parenting with Love Opting Out Favorite quote for kids: "Do the right thing, because it's the right thing." Find