Beyond Good Intentions With Kristen Duke

#077 Bullying and Talking with Kids



I'm so grateful to have Amber from @TeenTake30 on the podcast today, sharing how her family suffered from BULLYING, and the consequential move afterwards.  As parents, we are all TERRIFIED of it happening to our kids, but do we talk about it in such a way that we let them know we are on their side if it does? Do we give them tools to deal with it if it's happening? Have we talked about how to be an up-stander instead of a bystander? All of this is covered and more in this discussion, and I hope you'll listen and SHARE with your friends. We are discussing this in depth on instagram this week also at @KristenDukeChats. If you listen to this later, look for the discussion in the highlights.  Shop our AMAZON store for family fun activities and my favorite parenting books. As a reminder, we always love iTunes REVIEWS!!!