Beyond Good Intentions With Kristen Duke

#096 Sex Talk with Kristen B Hodson



I'm happy my guest @KristinBHodson is here to help us know how to best have sex talk with teens. No longer is it enough to have "the talk" just once, it should be an ongoing discussion with 1,000 1 minute conversations, Kristin says. Kristin runs a practice in Salt Lake City called @TheHealingGroup and is also a professor at the University of Utah. As often happens, I ended up falling into the therapy chair to discuss my experience on the topic, and Kristin weighs in.  I wrote a summary blog post with 20 questions to ask your teens, click on the link to grab those! You will surely walk away from this listen with your mind expanded. Support this podcast by shopping Amazon through our Amazon Store. Leave an iTunes review about your experience listening to any episode! SHARE this with your friends and discuss together. Join the community discussion over at @KristenDukeChats