Battle Bards

Battle Bards Episode 177: Gone with the wind



As the weather howls and gusts around us, the Battle Bards stand in the middle of it all with their heads lifted up, listening to the music that rides on the breeze. In this episode, Syl, Steff, and Syp examine wind-themed tracks from MMORPGs. Will they find all of the wind's colors? Probably not, but nobody ever mistook these three for artistic geniuses! Episode 177 show notes Intro (feat. "Calm Breeze" from Elsword Online, "Silken Wind Through a Bamboo Forest" from Age of Conan, and "The Wind and the Reeds" from Fallout 76) "Sign of Wind" from Lineage "Echoes of a Zephyr" from Final Fantasy XI "Dust" from Last Oasis "Whispering Winds" from TERA "On Windy Meadows" from Final Fantasy XIV “Carbines in the Wind" from Star Wars: The Old Republic "Winds of the Frontier" from WildStar Which one did we like best? Listener notes: Zinn and Katriana "Swordmaiden's Prayer," a special WildStar tribute to Avidguru Jukebox picks: "Traps" from Turrican 2, "Title Theme" from Clockwiser, and "Title Theme" from Ary and the S