Battle Bards

Battle Bards Episode 183: Theme parks



This episode is your ticket to the greatest amusement park experience known to gamers! With cotton candy and ride tickets in hand, the Battle Bards rush into the gates of their favorite theme parks -- and theme parks WITHIN theme park MMOs! So what do amusement parks sound like in online roleplaying games? Find out in this fantastic spectacle of an episode! Episode 183 show notes  Intro (feat. "Shopping Arcade 1" from MapleStory 2, "Nar Shadda" from SWTOR, and "Dream Carnival" from Hello Kitty Online) "Themepark Overture" from Lineage 2 "Mudskipper Calliope" from RuneScape "Darkmoon Faire Hero" from World of Warcraft "Fantastic Theme Park" from MapleStory  "Blizzard World" from Overwatch "Carnival of Death" from The Secret World "Gold Saucer" from Final Fantasy XIV Which one did we like best? Listener note from Katriana Jukebox picks: "A Sit By the Water" from A Monster's Expedition, "Forest" from The Smurfs (NES), and  Outro (feat. "Fairie Funland Trailer Theme" from Revelation Online) Talk to the Battle