Apsara Skin Care: Tips, Remedies & Info For Flawless Skin & Beautiful Hair

DIY Remedy to Get Rid of Dark Spots & Dullness



With summer coming up soon, dark spots and dullness become more and more of a concern for us. Though we are more likely to spend time outdoors this year than in years past, a lot of us are still worried about too much sun exposure. If your skin is unprotected, UV light from the sun may cause free radical damage, which could lead to dark spots and lackluster skin. However, if you do notice a few marks or dull spots on your skin, we have a home remedy that can minimize them naturally. In this episode of the podcast, Sheetal will share with you a DIY home remedy that is perfect for getting rid of dark spots and dull skin. Even better, this remedy requires only 3 ingredients so preparing it should be no hassle. Summer weather can be quite harsh on your skin, which is why you should learn how you can keep it even and glowing all season long. To get this remedy, listen to this episode today. If you are listening on iTunes, please subscribe and leave us an honest review. If there are topics or questions you want us