David Hathaway

The Son of God (with Vinesong)



'Jesus asked, "Who do you say that I am?" Peter answered and said to Him, "You are the Christ."' (Mark 8.29.) Jesus is not a babe in His mother's arms, nor is He just a prophet or only a good man, as some suggest - He is a God of power, of action, of authority. He's a Man real men can admire and follow! In churches I see images of Jesus as a powerless dead man on a cross. I know Jesus died, but when they put Him in a grave, it couldn't hold Him, the power of the Holy Spirit came into His dead body, He broke open that grave, He came out, He's alive! What kind of man is this? The grave cannot hold Him - the wind and the sea are obedient to Him - no demon spirit in hell can stand against Him - no human can resist Him! That's the kind of God we have! 'Jesus, Jesus, Jesus' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com