Rain Delay Theater

#49 - "Angels in the Outfield" Movie Recap



This week, Jack and Jeremy sit down to watch the 1994 Disney film, "Angels in the Outfield". Being a childhood favorite of Jack and a film Jeremy had never seen, we'll see not only how this film holds up, but how it comes across to a skeptical man in his late 30s. Along the way, you'll hear the guys' take on the acting virtues of the late, great Taylor Negron, an unintended tribute to journeyman outfielder Luis Polonia, and a crackerjack Danny Glover impression by our very own Jack Swokowski! Forget about Social Services for today, THIS IS ABOUT BASEBALL! Tune into the film, then tune into our recap this week on Rain Delay Theater! And be sure to visit raindelaytheater.com/notes for lots of great clips referenced in this episode!