Noir Talk

Ep 9: Marsha Hunt 100th Birthday Tribute



We pay tribute to actress and FNF Advisory Council member Marsha Hunt on the milestone of her 100th birthday, October 17th, 2017. FNF treasurer and charter director Alan K. Rode discusses her early life and film roles (2:15), her guest appearances at NOIR CITY film festivals (6:15), plus her fight against the Hollywood blacklist and its effect on her movie career (9:00). We also discuss Marsha's humanitarian work and activism (15:15), as well as her prominent role in the film community throughout her life, both on-screen and off (17:30), plus more stories about her from over the years (28:30). Then FNF president and founder Eddie Muller joins us to talk about developing his 2008 short film The Grand Inquisitor with Marsha in mind for one of its roles (42:00), plus behind-the-scenes stories of working with her on-set (46:50). This episode includes audio clips of Marsha Hunt from her appearances at NOIR CITY film festivals. Video available at: For more on The Grand I