Orton Family Foundation

Heart & Soul Talks: Everyone Gains When Youth Join Leadership



Getting young people involved in community leadership brings fresh perspectives and new energy. Small cities and towns across the country are giving meaningful roles to youth and helping young people realize their voices matter. On this free talk, you’ll hear from youth advocates and a youth leader how to authentically involve the next generation in local decision-making. Speakers: --Laura Furr, program manager for justice reform and youth engagement, National League of Cities (NLC) Laura helps municipal leaders take action on behalf of children, youth, and families in their communities. She assists cities in establishing authentic systems for youth engagement through initiatives such as youth councils, juvenile justice reform, and participatory budgeting. Prior to joining NLC, Laura was the Interim Executive Director and Senior Director of Youth Justice Initiatives at Community Law In Action, Inc., a non-profit that engages youth as active citizens, critical thinkers, and advocates for positive change in Ma