Littler Labor & Employment Podcast

130 - Developing New Leadership Mindsets in the Age of Acceleration



In this podcast, Natalie Pierce, co-chair of Littler’s Robotics, AI and Automation Practice Group and Diversity and Inclusion Council, discusses with Tania de Jong AM the intersection of diversity and inclusion efforts with advancing technologies, such as robotics and AI. Tania is the Founder and Executive Producer of Creative Innovation Global, as well as an international soprano singer, speaker, and one of Australia’s most successful female entrepreneurs and innovators. Natalie and Tania address how to foster diversity and inclusion in the greater context of helping workforces and societies as a whole better withstand technological changes, disruption, and uncertainty. They explore how global workforces can successfully manage, prepare, and develop innovative, agile company cultures for a rapidly changing world and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which will require human intelligence 2.0 skills and new leadership mindsets. Their fascinating discussion covers how organizations can excel in successfully