Littler Labor & Employment Podcast

133 - Littler’s CKO and Cornell Law Students Discuss How Tech Training Enhances the Practice of Law



In this podcast, Littler’s Chief Knowledge Officer, Scott Rechtschaffen, talks with his Cornell Law School students about the potential for lawyers to use software to develop practical tools for the delivery of legal services. During their semester, the students experienced how to take their growing knowledge of the law, identify a problem, coordinate with subject matter and technical experts, and create a legal app designed to assist users, who might be either clients or fellow attorneys. Students share how the class broadened their understanding of programming and how such apps can make the legal practice more efficient, less expensive, and more accessible for more people, such as through client intake, organization of case data, or educational apps that teach potential clients about legal issues. The group also brainstorms on how future applications could create innovations in various practice areas.