Uncle Sez: How we make our China vlog

Uncle Sez 23: The right lights



This week our discussion of how we make our China vlog centers on lighting. How can you tell if it's good or bad? Besides visibility, what style can lighting contribute to your video? And what difference do expensive lights make, anyway? Videos and links: • Hello Foreigner: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCftjeM16I5qqLnCc1iIH8Ag • "Three ways I survive China" https://youtu.be/0Xzexf_sfi4 • "What time is it in China?" https://youtu.be/Qj1pC_h_VBc • "No ice, you're in China" https://youtu.be/HkpwDMI4fXQ • "It's China, so get used to it" https://youtu.be/yWtgxvmnupQ • "Making weird noises at the gym in China" https://youtu.be/9TMZ_cnWAmg • "Fighting in the foothills of the Himalayas, and a normal massage" https://youtu.be/U2OUO79wZl8 • "Still shy in China" https://youtu.be/lAD1K3Jew0k • "My American husband almost died in China" https://youtu.be/3Cw5j4oddFg • Western Toilet "About time" https://youtu.be/Em_KyGTr_0M Well-lit shows mentioned: "The Twilight Zone," "What we do in the Shadows," "A.P. Bio