Welcome To My Bedroom Closet (laurel Anne Hill)

Heroes Arise Chapter 19: Pulses of Fear



Welcome to my bedroom closet. Here's Chapter 19 of HEROES ARISE:  Pulses of Fear.  Gundack continues his climb up the Mountain of the Dead. HEROES ARISE is a parable about breaking the cycle of vengeance, about reaching into our own personal darkness and finding the light of reason.  I've set HEROES ARISE in the world of Thard.  HEROES ARISE is an adventure and love story, suitable for ages 9 - 90, and also is available through Amazon and Barnes and Noble, in hard cover, trade paper and as an ebook.  Jean M. Auel was kind enough to provide the following endorsement for HEROES ARISE. Heroes Arise by Laurel Anne Hill is a surprisingly exciting and moving story that gripped my attention from the first word and wouldn't let me put it down. This author's first work shows a strong talent and a remarkable future. — Jean M. Auel, author of The Clan of the Cave Bear I hope you enjoy my story, Warm wishes, Laurel Anne Hill  (http://www.laurelannehill.com)